2024-06-07   21:15:15
Izberi tekmovanje:

Izberi jezik:
Swedish English Denmark Finland Slovenia

Create a new competition

Use the form below to create a new competition

Competition name is the name of the competition, please write a uniqe name so you don't mix the same competiion goin once a year.

Competition place is the city where the competition takes place.

The name of the organizing club or other organization.

Contact person is the one in contact with IC Control, preferably the responsible for WinGrodan.

Phone number to contact person where we can reach you if any questions appear.

E-mail to the contact person, this mail is used as the first communication way, here are the login information sent and instructions for how to use WinGrodan LiveTiming.

Start date is the first day of the competition, this is used to find old competitions but also decides when the compeitition is shown on the site.

End date is the date for the last day of the competition, if the competitions is only one day this should be the same as above.

Default language is set to know what language to show if the organizer make directlinks to the competition, visitors can allways change language themselves.

If the competition use senior-/juniorseeding, please set this here. If this is set, results for senior and junior can be shown.

If your competition have events with both para swimmers and non-para siwmmers in the same event you should enable this option to get a column with para results. NOTE: Only works with WinGrodan 2!

If the organizer like to show an own commercial image at the commerical places to the right, this is chosen here. This is from 2015-01-01 free of charge. The commercial image is then uploaded under describing texts in the admin interface. IC Control Media & SPort has full rights to remove images that is inappropriate. Organizer then loses the rights to use the commercial place.

If the organizer would like to use SuperLive at the competition this is selected here. This addon costs 500 SEK (excl vat) for each competition session. With SuperLive both sound and video can be shown from the competition. The replay is free to view for 1 week after the competition, after that only viewers with a SuperLive supcription will be able to watch the replay. Live Streaming and replay from us is included in the price. Password and instructions are sent ut from us when we activate the competition. You only need an extra computer and a webcam to run superlive.
By ordering SuperLive you approve the Terms to use the SuperLive service

Do not select this checkbox! This option is for spam protection.

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