2024-06-04   01:08:07
Izberi tekmovanje:

Izberi jezik:
Swedish English Denmark Finland Slovenia

Nordic Open Masters Championships 2022, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Session 1 - Friday 30 September from 17:30

Session 2 - Saturday 1 October from 09:00

Session 3 - Saturday 1 October from 16:30

Please Note - These session times are subject to change, in order to better fit the activities.   

Warm-up is possible from 1.5 hours before the start of each session The competition pool will also be available for training on Thursday 29 September from 18:00.

All events are swum as direct finals. In the 800 Free, there will be a maximum of 3 heats per event, that is 3 for men and 3 for women

IC Control LiveTiming

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